Photos from our Dortmund CBRNe Training Exercise out now!
On 7th May 2020, the first PROACTIVE field exercise took place at the Dortmund Fire Department (FDDO) Training Centre in Dortmund, Germany. This field exercise was based on the scenario of a chemical leak from a freight train affecting people at a nearby station. It also demonstrated why it’s important to include volunteers from the general public, including vulnerable groups, in training exercise. Doing so increases societal resilience to CBRNe risks & threats! Below is a series of photos showing the day’s events:
The exercise day started with participants arriving on scene to fill out various forms (e.g., consent, COVID-19) as part of the registration process.
The participants of the exercise signing forms.
Participants also underwent a COVID-19 test and those with a negative test results received a wristband.
Next, volunteers were able to go “shopping” for spare clothes to wear during the exercise.
Participants are picking out spare clothes donated by the Caritas Dortmund to wear during the exercise play.
Observers also went through the registration process and then proceeded to a briefing (pictured).
Here a PROACTIVE partner is giving the briefing to Observers.
The briefing included information about safety instructions before the start of the exercise.
The briefing continued with the PROACTIVE project coordinator explaining the Exercise Timeline.
Observers were provided with a set of materials which included a map of the Training Center.
At the same time, the exercise participants from the fire department and the red cross started to prepare the scene. Here, members of the German Red Cross Dortmund are unloading equipment.
This included the process of building some tents, as seen here.
Firefighters of Dortmund Fire Department were also preparing equipment for the training.
More preparations underway by the Dortmund Fire Department.
This included the setting up the Decontamination Tent.
Bringing materials to the training area.
Firefighters preparing belt benches.
Before the exercise, the firefighters also held their own briefing.
Before the arrival of the firefighters, a vulnerable participant (blind person) is walking around in the hot zone.
The exercise starts with the release of disco fog to simulate the release of toxic chemicals. As such, firefighters arrive on site wearing masks. The exercise has begun!
The arrival of firefighters to the incident area.
As part of the exercise, the actors faked injuries and the responders had to check their health condition.
Non-ambulatory victims, played by actors, are placed on the belt by two responders wearing hazmat suits to be carried to the decontamination tent.
The process continues in this photo.
Responders are evacuating other participants from the incident area.
Evacuation process continues in this photo.
Evacuation process continues in this photo.
The following photos provide some detail about the decontamination tent set up. Pictured here is the conveyor belt for non-ambulant participants, which was used for decontamination shower.
A decontamination shower area.
Skin antiseptics and scissors for the decontamination process.
A sign referring to remove clothes.
Patient attachment bag with triage coding.
During the exercise, actors portrayed distressed victims in order to train the psychological response team.
Responders are trying to calm down scared participants.
After the exercise, the participants were satisfied with the training.
Thank you to the Dortmund Fire Department, the Dortmund Red Cross, the eNOTICE project and all the civil volunteers for helping us make this exercise a success!