PROACTIVE meets eNOTICE project in Birmingham, UK

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The PROACTIVE project will study citizen reactions to CBRNe preparedness and response during the project’s three field exercises, holding one per year, each in a different country. Since its conception, the PROACTIVE project has intended to collaborate with the H2020 project eNOTICE when organising these exercises.

As such, eNOTICE invited PROACTIVE to attend one of their exercises, taking place at the National CBRNe Centre in Birmingham, UK.

The first day, we were welcomed by Lee Kendrick from the National CBRNe Centre to Birmingham. PROACTIVE and eNOTICE partners were introduced to the ideas behind the Centre’s training programme and were able to visit the site.

The next day, PROACTIVE was able to participate in the table top exercise. Afterwards, the two projects meet up to discuss their respective needs and expectations.

Next, the eNOTICE project invited us to The Jam House, where live music was playing!

A big thanks to eNOTICE project! We look forward to working with you these next three years!

Categories: Meetings