PROACTIVE attends the 14th Community of Users meeting in Brussels

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The PROACTIVE project was invited by the European Commission to attend the 14th Community of Users on secure, safe and resilient societies thematic workshop, focusing on Citzen’s Awareness.

The day started with presentations from projects that are actively seeking to include citizens in security research. Our coordinator, Gigore Havarneanu, presented the PROACTIVE project and our Civil Society Advisory Board in detail.

Grigore Havarneanu presenting the PROACTIVE project

Grigore Havarneanu presenting the PROACTIVE CSAB

In the afternoon, there were discussions on how to better include citizens in security research. Project partners Dominic Kelly and Tony Godwin from CBRNE Ltd. and Laura Petersen and Grigore Havarneanu from UIC were present.

Grigore Havarneanu and Laura Petersen contribute to group discussions

Laura Petersen insisting on making security research more inclusive


Laura Petersen presenting the results from the group discussion

Dominic Kelly actively engaged in the group discussion


Tony Godwin presenting the results from the group discussion


The PROACTIVE team had a wonderful time exchanging lessons learned and ways forward when it comes to including citizens in security research projects and looks forward to our upcoming field exercsies where we will do just that!

Categories: CoUMeetings