PROACTIVE & eNOTICE Exercise Pre-Planning Workshop held 16 January 2020

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The PROACTIVE & eNOTICE Progress Meeting Exercise pre-planning workshop was held on the 16th of January 2020 at the East India Club in St. James Square, London, England. It was a lovely opportunity for the two projects to come together in a traditional British fashion, including a park view and lovely tea cups. A big thanks to PROACTIVE partner CBRNE Ltd. for hosting us there.

The meeting began with PROACTIVE presenting the planning activity having been undertaken thus far in regards to the upcoming Joint Activity Rieti, Italy exercise. PROACTIVE also presented the PROACTIVE IIMARCH Methodology, which will be adopted for the planning and running of the Field Exercises, in conjunction with the planning methodology of eNOTICE and the CBRNe Training Center.

Next, Save the Children Italy, a member of the PROACTIVE Civil Society Advisory Board (CSAB) provided the meeting with a very informative briefing regarding the role of the organisation.  They emphasised the need to include children of all ages (0 to 18) in any exercise. Their presentation concluded with confirmation that Save the Children Italy would like to be included in the field exercise and their willingness to continue engaging with both eNOTICE and PROACTIVE.

The meeting concluded with all parties agreeing to a collaborative approach, participation and inclusion of citizens, the use of multi-agency practitioners, and the involvement of Save the Children Italy. The concept underlying the joint scenario was also discussed: an incident on an over-ground train involving the use by terrorists of a chemical weapon.

PROACTIVE thanks eNOTICE partners as well as our CSAB members for making this joint exercerise pre-planning workshop a success and we look forward to seeing you again soon to ensure the exercise will triumph!