What is CBRNe, anyway? And why should civil society care?
Curious about what CBRNe even stands for and wondering why project PROACTIVE is recruiting civil society? Check out our new video:
Curious about what CBRNe even stands for and wondering why project PROACTIVE is recruiting civil society? Check out our new video:
The PROACTIVE Exercise Planning Team and AWO (Arbeiterwohlfahrt e. V.) came together during a meeting on 16 February to foster inclusive CBRNe management for persons with mental impairments. Indeed, the population who may be victims Read more…
CSAB member ONG Inclusiva, a Chilean non-profit association dedicated to the area of disability and emergencies, hosted a digital summit on 14-15 of December, 2021. The event featured presenters from all over the world working Read more…
The PROACTIVE Exercise Planning Team and BSVW (Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverein Westfalen e.V.) came together during a meeting on 16 February to foster inclusive CBRNe management. Important lessons were learned with regard to the inclusion of Read more…