3rd joint exercise planning meeting for the Rieti Exercise

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CBRNE Ltd led a PROACTIVE planning team to Rieti arriving on Monday 3rd October and leaving on Thursday 6th October in advance of the Field Exercise to take place on November 16th.  The team consisted of Tony Godwin and Dominic Kelly from CBRNE Ltd. (Exercise Planning Lead for the Rieti exercise), Danielle Carbon and Andreas Arnold from DHPol [German Police University] (Exercise Planning Lead of previous Dortmund exercise), Åsa Burlin from Umeå University (Sweden) (Exercise Planning Lead of the upcoming 2023 Ranst, Netherlands exercise) and Dale Weston from UKHSA (Evaluation Lead of all three exercises).

Key events included meeting Major Giampaolo Santini and Marco Carosi from NBC Defence School and Daniele Di Giovanni and Grace Xerri from University Tor Vergata at the site of the proposed field exercise.

This was followed with Dominic Kelly and Francesco Graziani of Save the Children (Italy) having one to one meetings with CARITAS and CSV Lazio, being two charitable organisations based in Rieti to discuss the recruitment of volunteers.

Whilst these meeting were going on the rest of the team visited the CARITAS shop in Rieti and purchased large amounts of second hand clothing to be used in the exercise.  This was left in storage for our return together with other logistical equipment.

A hybrid PROACTIVE online meeting was held to discuss the ethical implications of the project with Irina Marsh from CBRNE Ltd. and Mariano Zamorano from ETICAS. As a special guest, Francesco Graziani from Save the Children (Italy) participated to discuss the recruitment of child volunteers.  This was followed by face to face meeting with Dr Daniele Di Giovanni, Grace Xerri and Prof. Piergianni Medaglia of CARIS Services for students with disabilities of SLD (Specific Learning Difficulties) and Francisco Graziani from Save the Children (Italy) to discuss the recruitment of volunteers for the exercise.