Deliverable D5.2 on Final Pre-Incident Public Information Materials for CBRNe terrorism

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Our report on the Final Pre-Incident Public Information Materials for CBRNe terrorism (D5.2) is available now!

This deliverable presents the final version of the PROACTIVE Pre-Incident Public Information Materials and details the full process of their development.

From their first genesis in Deliverable 5.1 through to the final version presented in this report,  an extensive and wide-ranging stakeholder engagement process was conducted. We incorporated views from both practitioners and the civil society across a range of qualitative and quantitative data collection methodologies such as regular feedback from the PROACTIVE consortium (through progress meetings), a longitudinal survey, focus groups with our Civil Society Advisory Board as well as the general public from several European Member States and through the testing of the materials in two PROACTIVE exercises.

In this deliverable the results obtained from the engagement methods mentioned above are discussed. Additionally, we provide evidence gathered on the public acceptability of the pre-incident information and its impact on improving knowledge and understanding of recommended actions.

Furthermore, we provide seven different iterations of the pre-incident information materials that have been developed, with a variety of different options for pictograms and wording. Although the pre-incident information materials have been optimised and designed to be relevant across contexts, we are providing every iteration of the materials within the report so that any element can be adapted by relevant stakeholders for use in their own contexts.

While the title of this deliverable implies that this is the end result for the Pre-Incident Information Materials, in reality PROACTIVE will continue to work on them during the upcoming third field exercise, where they will be integrated into experimental designs. The results of which will be reflected in the project final deliverables.

Read more in the full document, here.

A preview of the materials can be seen below:

A four pages from the Deliverable 5.2 which presents the Pre-Incident Information for CBRNe Incidents.

Some examples of PROACTIVE Pre-Incident Information for CBRNe Incidents.