Deliverable D3.2 on Aide Memoire for future exercises or demonstrations involving vulnerable groups

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Our report “Aide Memoire for future exercises or demonstrations involving vulnerable groups (D3.2)” is available now!

Emergency exercises are essential to prepare for any kind of crisis or disaster, and especially for CBRNe incidents, as these require specialised response actions unfamiliar to the public, which is made up of a diverse population including vulnerable groups.

By involving people with vulnerabilities in field training exercises, responders are provided with an opportunity to see how well their SOPs (Standard Operation Procedures) take into account the needs of vulnerable groups. It also allows them to make mistakes in a safe environment, as part of the learning process, ensuring that the needs of all citizens will be better met in a real-life CBRNe incident. Role play volunteers also benefit by increasing their preparedness for CBRNe incidents, leading to an overall increase in societal resilience.

With this in mind, the PROACTIVE project has been organising field training exercises and bringing members of the public at large to role play volunteers. An essential part of this work has been identifying the needs of vulnerable citizens to enable them to take on this key role.

Based on the experience and lessons learned by PROACTIVE, this deliverable presents an Aide Memoire for future emergency exercises involving a diverse range of citizens. This deliverable is a high-level guide for exercise planners to ensure that the needs of European citizens are met, especially those who may be vulnerable.

Read more in the full document, here:


The figure is a flowchart explaining the usage of Aide Memoire. Top box: Aide Memoire. Flows to two boxes: New User/Planner and Experienced User/Planner. Box New User/Planner flows Read main text Section 3. Box Produce Plans flows Use Appendix 1 (and its Further reading references) to work through plans with your review team. Box Experienced User/Planner flows Produce Plans. Box Use Appendix 2 to work through plans with your review team flows Finalise Plans.

Flow chart illustrating how to use Aide Memoire for both a new and experienced user.