Improving Interaction between First Responders and Civil Society in CBRNe Incidents: Guidelines for Policymakers

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Our third policy brief titled “Improving Interaction between First Responders and Civil Society in CBRNe Incidents: Guidelines for Policymakers” is available now!

This document provides eleven critical recommendations for Policy Makers on how to enhance collaboration between First Responders (FR) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in dealing with Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and explosive (CBRNe) incidents.

Cover page of PROACTIVE Third Policy Brief

Here is a brief look at the recommendations for policymakers in each phase:

Preparedness: During the preparedness phase, it is crucial to provide diverse and inclusive pre-incident information in an accessible manner, taking into account the specific needs of different audiences, particularly vulnerable groups.

Response: When responding to an incident, protect public health by maximising  information sharing. Clearly communicate responsibilities, strategy, and provide practical training to ensure an effective response.

Recovery: In the recovery phase, establish systems of cooperation to identify the evolving needs and expectations of civilians. Transform the lessons learned from incidents into actionable measures that contribute to a smooth return to normalcy.

To delve deeper into these recommendations and gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic, we encourage you to read the full document here.