Photos from our Ranst CBRNe Training Exercise out now!

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On 13 May 2023, we conducted the third PROACTIVE field exercise in Ranst, Belgium, organised by Campus Vesta, in conjunction with the eNOTICE project.

The scenario chosen for the exercise was an incident whereby around 50 guests attending a university reception started to fall ill. Unbeknownst to them, disgruntled students had contaminated the cakes with a biological agent. At the same time, those same students entered the reception and threw an unknown powder over the guests, creating a complex situation for the first responders when they arrived at the scene.

One unique aspect of our exercise was the participation of members of the public as role play volunteers.  Among these volunteers, we had individuals representing vulnerable groups, such as older persons, people with vision or hearing impairments, or reduced mobility. Additionally, a service dog was present among the group of victims.

Here are some photos that capture the events of the day:

Three people (two men and a woman) in orange waistcoats are standing and looking to the papers on the table.

The day began with the registration of the volunteers by PROACTIVE staff

Papers on the table.

The registration desk

Four people standing close to each other. A man in a green waistcoat in the front is holding the hand of a woman holding a stick. Behind the woman, two men are standing and waiting.

After the registration and a dedicated briefing, volunteers were led to the reception area where the exercise play would begin

A group of people in the photo. A man and a woman in the front of the photo are standing close to each other. A woman is holding a man's hand and holding a stick with her other hand. Others are behind them entering from the door.

Volunteers heading to the reception area

Around nine people in the photo. In the front of the photo, a young woman is holding a water bottle and moving. Following her there are other two women close to each other standing. A younger woman is helping a senior-aged woman holding a stick and another hand holding a hand of a younger-aged woman. Next to them a senior-aged man is standing and holding a stick. Other people are standing behind them close to the door and waiting.

Volunteers heading to the reception area (continued)

Seven people in the photo (three people: two men and a woman in a wheelchair) Three people are standing. A woman is opening the door and a man wearing a green T-shirt in a wheelchair is entering.

Volunteers heading to the reception area (continued)

Three people in the photo. A woman in a red sweatshirt is holding the dog leash and showing a fist.

Volunteers heading to the reception area (continued)

Four people inside the building. Three of them are standing with their backs and holding each other’s hands and moving towards the door. A man in a green waistcoat is standing and looking at them.

Volunteers heading to the reception area (continued)

A group of people wearing green and yellow waistcoats standing inside the building and discussing.

At the same time, PROACTIVE Observers get ready for the action

Three men wearing orange waistcoats written PROACTIVE and discussing with each other. Next to them, there are three people in green waistcoats.

And the PROACTIVE Crisis Communication team prepares for the exercise

A group of people in the photo are standing. Three people in light green (neon) uniforms are standing close to each other and discussing.

The exercise starts and the first responders arrive on the scene

Three people in the front holding each other’s hands. Two women are holding sticks and a man in a green sweatshirt is holding a woman's hand next to him. Two persons (a woman and a man) in orange waistcoats are following them.

The volunteers evacuate the reception area

A group of people (different ages) in the photo are standing and crossing the line. A woman in a police uniform is following them. There is also a person in a wheelchair.

Police help evacuate the volunteers leading them to the warm zone.

A group of people standing in the photo. One of them is sitting on the ground. A person in the front of the photo is wearing a green uniform and is standing with her back to the photo and showing somewhere with her left hand.

In the warm zone, the medical responders communicate with the volunteers

Five people in the photo. Two people are in the front of the photo. A person in a green waistcoat is standing close to the man who is sitting on the bench.

The medical responders perform triage

Five people in the photo. Four people are in the wheelchair. A person in the green uniform is giving something to the man in the middle of the photo.

The medical responders perform triage (continued)

Around nine people in the photo. In the front of the photo, two people in green uniforms are standing and two people (a man and a woman) are sitting close to each other. A woman is lying down and not feeling good.

The medical responders perform triage (continued)

Four people are in front of the photo. Two senior-aged people are sitting on the ground and two people in uniform are helping them to stand up. Behind them, there are people, two of them in police uniforms.

Firefighters with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) approach volunteer victims in the warm zone

Nine people in the photo. In the front of the photo, a man in a pink waistcoat is standing with his back. A man in a light brown uniform is leaning back and helping to remove a hazmat suit from the man who is standing next to him.

The specialised first responders put on their hazmat suits

Around nine people in the photo. Six people in light brown uniforms with yellow stripes. Two people in grey hazmat suits. One man in the green waistcoat is holding something.

Putting on the suits (continued)

Four people in the photo. Two people are in grey hazmat suits. Another two men in green waistcoats are standing opposite them.

Specialised responders walk towards the incident scene

Three people in the front are in uniform, two of them are in grey hazmat suits.

Specialised first responders confer with the fire fighters in PPE about the incident

Four people in the photo. Two people in grey hazmat suits are standing close to the door and calling the man the opposite to them. A man wearing a pink waistcoat standing behind two men in hazmat suits and taking photos with a mobile phone.

Arriving at the hot zone, specialised responders indicate to ambulant volunteers to evacuate

Four people in the photo (a young man in a black pullover and jeans, and two persons in grey hazmat suits). A young man in the middle between the two people in hazmat suits. A man in a hazmat suit left to the young man is instructing something with his finger. The fourth person is sitting on the floor.

They also indicate to another volunteer to evacuate

Two people in the photo (a woman of senior age and a person in a grey hazmat suit). The woman is sitting on the floor and holding her chest with one hand. A man in a hazmat suit is looking at her. In the front of the photo, there are some cakes and plates.

They then communicate with the non-ambulant volunteers

Two people in grey hazmat suits are helping a senior-aged woman sitting on a chair.

That same volunteer is taken to decontamination

Two people in grey hazmat suits and wearing gear masks. One is holding a red rope which is connected to the yellow roll. Inside the yellow roll, there is a person lying. Another person is leaning down and holding the door with one hand.

Then specialised first responders evacuate non-ambulant, unresponsive volunteers

Seven people are in the photo. Two people in grey hazmat suits are going to lift the man lying on the yellow medical bed. Two other people in uniform and wearing helmets are holding a yellow medical bed.

The same non-ambulant volunteer is checked on by the Specialised Responders and the Firefighters wearing PPE in the warm zone

Two people in grey hazmat suits are taking up the person on the medical bed. Next to them, there is a firefighter truck.

and then taken to decontamination

Two people in grey hazmat uniforms are walking outside close to the fire truck.

After decontaminating the victims, responders also go through decontamination

A group of people (different ages) in the photo are walking together. There is also a dog walking next to the woman. Police in uniform are walking next to them and guide them. Caption: Walking toward the medical check

Meanwhile, volunteers are escorted to a medical check

A group of people are walking together. There is also a person in a wheelchair. There is also a dog.

Volunteers are being escorted to a medical check

A group of people without uniforms are standing close to each other. There are also people in green uniforms close to the tent.

Volunteers wait in line for the medical check

Four people outside. Three people in the front. A man in the green uniform is holding a wheelchair and talking with a man in the wheelchair. Another man in a greenish-yellowish uniform is standing holding a mobile phone with paper.

Volunteers undergo a medical check with the Red Cross

Three people are outside. Two people are in green uniforms filling up something and between them, a man in a wheelchair is explaining something. There is a tent behind them.

Volunteers undergo a medical check with the Red Cross (continued)

Four people standing outside. Two people in green uniforms are standing close to the woman who is holding a stick. The man next to her is putting a wristband on her wrist. A woman in a green uniform is standing in front of her and is filling up something.

Volunteers undergo a medical check with the Red Cross (continued)

Two people are in a green uniform and two women are next to them are standing. Behind them, there is a cameraman taking video.

Volunteers undergo a medical check with the Red Cross (continued)

A woman in a green uniform holding a medical triage tag and showing her mouth with her finger.

Medical check continues

Two people in green uniforms are standing next to the man who is lying on the bench. A woman in a green uniform is filling up a medical triage tag and a man in the green uniform is helping her. Behind them, there is a grey tent.

Medical check continues

A man in a green uniform is filling up the paper.

Medical check continues

Two people are walking towards the bus. A man in a green uniform is holding the hand of a person in a white uniform.

After the medical check, volunteers are escorted to a bus which is the end of the exercise play

Five people wearing green waistcoats written Visitor holding a clipboard and canvas bags.

PROACTIVE Observers watch the exercise unfolding

Three people wearing green waistcoats inside the room sitting. Two men are sitting next to each other and discussing. A man is filling up paper.

After the exercise, PROACTIVE Observers fill in the Observer Guide

A person is filling up the paper with a PROACTIVE logo.

Close-up of the Observer Guide

Seventeen people (both women and men) are inside of the room standing. Except two men others are wearing a green waistcoat. There are desks and chairs in front.

Group photo of the PROACTIVE Observers

We would like to thank all exercise participants, and especially all volunteers, for a successful day!