New flyer out about the PROACTIVE project from partner FFI

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A new flyer in Norwegian is available about the PROACTIVE project from our partner, the Norwegian Defense Research Institute (FFI). The flyer is titled “Do vulnerable groups receive the assistance they need during CBRN incidents?” It focuses on how the PROACTIVE project addresses the needs of vulnerable groups in CBRN incidents. The flyer highlights PROACTIVE’s approach to enhance preparedness against and response to a CBRNe incident through a better harmonisation of procedures between first responders, and a better understanding of the needs of vulnerable citizen groups.

We encourage you to read this flyer to gain a comprehensive understanding of the important work accomplished by the PROACTIVE project.

The cover page of FFI flyer

FFI flyer

Here is the link to the FFI article (in Norwegian):

And a direct link to the flyer (also in Norwegian):