Videos from our Ranst CBRNe Training Exercise out now!

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Our Ranst CBRNe Training Exercise full length (3:30 min) video is out now! Get ready to dive into an educational experience as we take you through a gripping scenario at a university reception. Imagine the chaos when 50 unsuspecting guests suddenly fell ill after consuming contaminated cake. Adding to the confusion, disgruntled students also threw an unknown powder over crowd. Witness firsthand the challenging situation that first responders had to face as they tackled this multi-faceted situation.

But that’s not all! We have also highlighted the importance of including volunteers from the general public, especially vulnerable groups, in our training exercises. Discover how this strengthens societal resilience against CBRNe risks and threats.  In the video, also learn how we tested our Pre-Incident Information materials for the general public, which provide valuable information on how one can safeguard themselves during the initial stages of an incident involving CBRN hazards.

Too busy for a 3 and a half-minute watch? No worries! We’ve got you covered with our trailer.

Don’t miss out — watch the video(s) below!

Full video, with English subtitles:

Full video, with Flemish subtitles:


Trailer, with English subtitles:

Trailer, with Flemish subtitles: