PROACTIVE attends the eNOTICE Dortmund Fire Department joint activity field exercise

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PROACTIVE partners were invited to attend a field exercise hosted by the Dortmund Fire Department on the 21st of September 2019 as part of a joint activity ran by the EU H2020 project eNOTICE.

Dortmund  Fire Fighters picking up PROACTIVE and other eNOTICE  participants


The PROACTIVE team participated as observers to the exercise, which took place at the Dortmund Fire Fighters CBRNe Training Center.

PROACTIVE partners Tony Godwin from CBRNE Ltd. (middle) and Danielle Carbon from DHPol (right) sport their eNOTICE observer hats during the field exercise.

The exercise scenario was a collision between a passanger train and a freight train, which was carrying an unknown chemical substance. There were some casualties from both trains and the fire fighters work fast to examine the substance and find out the nature of the chemical agent.

Firefighters attending to a causalty on the ground. Smoke in the distance from the impacted freight train, leaking some unknown chemical substance.

Responders on the ground, testing the chemical nature of the incident

Scientist run tests to determine which chemical is leaking from the train


The exercise was a wonderful learning experience for the PROACTIVE team and the Dortmund Fire Fighters were very impressive! Thanks again to eNOTICE for inviting us to participate in this very interesting field exercise, and we look forward to working with the Dortmund Firefighters ourselves for one of our PROACTIVE field exercises.

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