PROACTIVE Aide Memoire for Training Exercises Involving Vulnerable Groups

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PROACTIVE’s new guidance entitled ‘Aide Memoire for Training Exercises involving vulnerable groups,’ is now available! The Aide Memoire is a handy checklist that we have developed as part of Deliverable D3.2. Its main purpose is to assist exercise planners in organising training exercises where the public, including vulnerable groups, participate as volunteer victims.

By incorporating the Aide Memoire into their exercise planning process, organisers will be in a better position to include in their emergency exercises individuals who made need support to meet their functional needs. While the PROACTIVE project primarily focuses on CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives) incidents, we strongly believe that the lessons learned and shared in this flyer can be applied to all types of emergency exercises.

So, whether you are a beginner or an experienced planner, our Aide Memoire is here to support you in creating inclusive and effective training exercises!

We have come up with two handy formats for our Aide Memoire: one that is easy to carry around, in a 3-fold format, and another one designed for desk use, which is the A4 size.

Check out the flyers in both formats right here:

PROACTIVE trifold flyer      Cover page of the A4