Networking with AWO for our first field exercise

The PROACTIVE Exercise Planning Team and AWO (Arbeiterwohlfahrt e. V.) came together during a meeting on 16 February to foster inclusive CBRNe management for persons with mental impairments. Indeed, the population who may be victims of a CBRNe incident will be diverse and not all impairments will be easily recognizable. Read more…

PROACTIVE presents at the INCLUSIVA summit

CSAB member ONG Inclusiva, a Chilean non-profit association dedicated to the area of disability and emergencies, hosted a digital summit on 14-15 of December, 2021. The event featured presenters from all over the world working with various aspects of disability, inclusion, and disaster prevention. PROACTIVE’s Åsa Burlin gave a presentation Read more…

Networking with BSWV for our first field exercise

The PROACTIVE Exercise Planning Team and BSVW (Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverein Westfalen e.V.) came together during a meeting on 16 February to foster inclusive CBRNe management. Important lessons were learned with regard to the inclusion of vulnerable persons for our 1st field exercise. The exercise will take place later this year Read more…

D5.3 now available for download

D5.3 Requirements of the Mobile Application for Vulnerable Citizens and revised technical specifications is now available for download on our project website! The architecture design specifications specific to the Mobile Application for Vulnerable Citizens is the main output of this deliverable. The purpose of the architectural design specification in this Read more…

Take our Civil Society questionnaire

EDIT: Deadline extended to 4th December 2020! Are you engaged in a European Civil Society Organisation that represents vulnerable civilians (e.g. health care, social work)? Then please help us by taking our questionnaire that identifies gaps between measures of #CBRN practitioner and the needs of those you represent in #CBRNe Read more…